Wednesday, August 26, 2009

College Excitement

Well, with work and all of this college excitement I am finding it hard to find time just for myself... so now that I have some alone time I will write a quick little update on life at the moment. Then I'm going to bed, because pretty soon I will have a hard time going to bed at a decent time (I am so excited though!) :)  

1. Tomorrow is my last day of work, but to end with a bang, I will be putting in 10 hours instead of my usual 9. Can't wait to wake up at 5:30!

2. I had one of my first "college experiences" last night. I went to a club downtown for the first time. It was quite fun. 

3. Saying goodbye to friends is harder than I thought it would be. Some of them I've gone to school with since preschool, and now we won't even be in the same part of the state or country anymore. I get a little choked up saying goodbye to them. I am ready to leave, but it's just weird that they won't be with me anymore.

4. I move into my dorm on monday... I cannot wait to meet new people as well as to have a change in life. I liked high school, but it was definitely time to move on. 

There you go, short and sweet. If I can figure out the picture stuff on here, I'll put some up of my dorm and things once I move in...


1 comment:

  1. Hey Jacki It is Greta i miss you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
